The sale was a big success! More than 1,600 dessert lovers lined up to try the treat, and McCullough knew they had found a business opportunity. One day, they arranged to experiment their new dessert in an Illinois-based ice cream store, owned by Sherb Noble. A man named McCullough and his son, Alex McCullough, had been experimenting with a soft frozen dairy product. Dairy Queen’s remarkable story started with a 10 cent sale of the then unnamed product in 1938 in Moline, Illinois.

Any left over fudge sauce can be store in the fridge or freezer.Here is the complete Dairy Queen gluten-free menu.Scoop some ice cream into a bowl, top with hot fudge sauce and peanuts, then enjoy!.Once the mixture has gotten warmed through-out and mixed as best as you can get it, add in the chocolate chips and vanilla and stir a bit more.Add in the condensed milk and stir, stir, stir! You may still see some cocoa “beads”, but just do the best you can to smoosh them out with a rubber spatula.Add in the cocoa powder and blend as well as you can, it will be a thick paste.On the stover over medium heat, combine the butter and water and stir until the butter is all melted.2 TBLS Bakers brand melting chocolate or regular chocolate chips.Homemade Peanut Buster Parfait Sundaes-feeds a family: I’m sure either one would turn out great, but for those who are curious, here is my version: Super easy, fast and delicious, with just a little deviating from the original recipe simply due to what we had on hand to use. And how can you beat the financial savings, right?!? It was thick, gooey, and rich…which then made me crave caramel sauce too, lol.

Well you know me….the first (and really only) though that went though my head was “gee, how hard could making hot fudge sauce really be?” So I grabbed a recipe with good reviews and 5 minutes later was rewarded with a sundae that totally hit the spot! We’ve made delicious homemade copycat Blizzards and now AWESOME copycat Peanut Buster Parfaits, my husband says it’s so much better then the commercial version! I owe this one all to my youngest daughter, as she was having a craving for hot fudge sundae’s and wanted me to take her to Dairy Queen, the only ice cream place for miles. Seriously, our family is not good news for Dairy Queen. Totally NOT my picture (as we wolfed ours down before I even thought of taking a pic!), but you get the idea.